FuglyfaceofMTVisGraceFVictim Part 15

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Re: FuglyfaceofMTVisGraceFVictim Part 15

Post by PocketPLocket »

Why is this thread still going on? Surely there should be a new one soon- it's at 47 pages!! :o

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Re: FuglyfaceofMTVisGraceFVictim Part 15

Post by HaveSomeMilk »

I just made one now!


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Re: FuglyfaceofMTVisGraceFVictim Part 15

Post by monki »

Mindylahiri94 wrote:
monki wrote:
Mindylahiri94 wrote:I really dislike Simon. I feel sorry for Grace in terms of her relationship as I reckon she knows he is using her for 'fame' but her self esteem is clearly low, and I believe she is scared of being alone.

I think Simon is probably very lazy and can't be bothered working a normal full time job and just wants to be famous. When he was first on the scene he was a 'drummer' in an unsuccessful band, and all he instagrammed/tweeted about was drumming/music (remember, his username on insta was even littledrummerboy or something like that!).

And now it's tattoos. He is covered in the most random, poorly laid out and haphazardly chosen tattoos ever - he seems like the epitome of that person who doesn't even care what their tattoos are of or how well they're done, they just want to be covered head to toe asap and so end up with really incoherent and uncoordinated tattoos everywhere. And now that he's covered in these awful pieces, he suddenly reckons he can be an insta famous tattoo artist even though he has never mentioned aspiring to be an artist before very recently, and afaik it's the kind of thing you generally want and aim for/work towards for years.

Simon - this is never gonna be successful, you look half way through a trans journey, clean yourself up and get a real job! (Not saying being a tattoo artist isn't a real job - but he is not an artist!)
Mindylahiri94 wrote:I really dislike Simon. I feel sorry for Grace in terms of her relationship as I reckon she knows he is using her for 'fame' but her self esteem is clearly low, and I believe she is scared of being alone.

I think Simon is probably very lazy and can't be bothered working a normal full time job and just wants to be famous. When he was first on the scene he was a 'drummer' in an unsuccessful band, and all he instagrammed/tweeted about was drumming/music (remember, his username on insta was even littledrummerboy or something like that!).

And now it's tattoos. He is covered in the most random, poorly laid out and haphazardly chosen tattoos ever - he seems like the epitome of that person who doesn't even care what their tattoos are of or how well they're done, they just want to be covered head to toe asap and so end up with really incoherent and uncoordinated tattoos everywhere. And now that he's covered in these awful pieces, he suddenly reckons he can be an insta famous tattoo artist even though he has never mentioned aspiring to be an artist before very recently, and afaik it's the kind of thing you generally want and aim for/work towards for years.

Simon - this is never gonna be successful, you look half way through a trans journey, clean yourself up and get a real job! (Not saying being a tattoo artist isn't a real job - but he is not an artist!)
While I do think Simon is sponging off Grace I disagee about him not wanting a full time job.

He was pursing music before meeting Grace and unfortunately that didn't work out. It seems to me when music didn't work he re-evaluated his life and found a new path. That's totally normal and very common. Tattooing is a perfectly normal job nothing wrong with Simon trying to get to name & work out on insta, we do live in a digital world, why not maximise his exposure?

It just seems like you're having a go at him for perusing his dream. Then for trying someting new when that dream didn't work out.

Nah I disagree with you, and I never said tattooing isn't a normal job.

Obviously people do change career paths etc, but I think you're naive to think it's a coincidence that proven Sponger Simon only ever seems to aspire to jobs that are ~ insta goals ~
I see what you're saying but I'm not being naive and I'm not even really disputing that he may want online fame. Maybe it's because I'm comparing him to Sammy's husband Jason, who quit his job and started a youtube channel within a year of becoming a youtube boyfriend. so as much as we say he's spounging off grace atleast he seems to build he own career.

Simon is in his late 20s and as far as we know he doesn't have any other experience or education so what is he really qualified to do? He's obviously into tattoos so it makes sense for him to gain a skill that lets him learn on the job and where he doesn't have to pay for an education.

I don't think the types of job he goes for are a coincidence, he doesn't seem like the type of person that would work in retail or a normal office job but let us not forget Grace left a good job looking after troubled teens to be a full-time youtuber. They're pretty well suited to be fair.

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Re: FuglyfaceofMTVisGraceFVictim Part 15

Post by Larry_Lomb »

exlurker240993 wrote:
3eyedraven17 wrote:
exlurker240993 wrote:[video]<a class="vglnk" href="<a class="vglnk" href="<a class="vglnk" href="[/video" rel="nofollow"><span>https</span><span>://</span><span>www</span><span>.</span><span>youtube</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>watch</span><span>?</span><span>t</span><span>=</span><span>28s</span><span>&</span><span>v</span><span>=</span><span>xsaI7</span><span>_</span><span>3b5K8</span><span>[/</span><span>video</span></a>" rel="nofollow"><span>https</span><span>://</span><span>www</span><span>.</span><span>youtube</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>watch</span><span>?</span><span>t</span><span>=</span><span>28s</span><span>&</span><span>v</span><span>=</span><span>xsaI7</span><span>_</span><span>3b5K8</span><span>[/</span><span>video</span></a>" rel="nofollow"><span>https</span><span>://</span><span>www</span><span>.</span><span>youtube</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>watch</span><span>?</span><span>t</span><span>=</span><span>28s</span><span>&</span><span>v</span><span>=</span><span>xsaI7</span><span>_</span><span>3b5K8</span><span>[/</span><span>video</span></a>]

The difference between this video and her latest ones ... good lord

She looked so healthy and glowing back then and no - she wasn't as she says on some crazy crash diet, she was actually making the effort to be healthy and take care of her body. And now she's out of breath by doing the smallest tasks and she's not only overweight but her face also looks so puffy and swollen and it's not a good sign. It's not just about her appearance but her overall health has gone completely downhill. Yeah - you can be plus size and at the same time fit and healthy, seen with the likes of Ashley Graham, but Grace is so far from that and uses body positivity to justify her poor health and lifestyle choices because she chooses to ignore the fact she is actually putting her life at risk with the lifestyle she leads now - and anyone reminding her of that is simply shot down by her as a fat shaming hater :roll:

Grace was suffering from an ED back then. She said it herself. She was restricting and throwing up. I don’t blame her for deleting old pictures as they can be triggering for her. She might have looked healthy but she was far from. I wouldn’t be surprised if 5 years down the line she was super fit. I think she is healing and becoming a better person and is taking her time with it and that’s okay
It didn't seem like she was restricting herself as much as she says - but obviously we don't know what really went on with her so if she was throwing up her food then that wasn't healthy either - but neither is not being active and eating unhealthy food in large quantities like she does now where she says she suffers from cramps, regular thrush and she seems to be out of breath a lot and that's not healthy either. She's literally gone from one unhealthy extreme to the other with no middle ground. Also the 'becoming a better person' thing she's trying is debatable
when she keeps shaming anyone on Twitter trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and still has a very self righteous attitude despite trying to prove she's trying to change for the better.
I understand that you don't mean this maliciously, and I know for a fact that Grace is a terrible choice for a brand like Nike due to her constant physical ill health, but to say that she basically didn't immerse herself full-heartedly enough into her ED is a terrible thing to say. If she were to come across this forum (has she ever referenced GG?), that could cause her to relapse to a whole new low. EDs are detrimental at any weight, whether you're bingeing,
purging, restricting or fasting at 300+lbs or 90lbs.

I may be the unpopular opinion here, but I'm proud of how Grace is approaching her new health journey coming from an ED; i.e. - her PT and her judge her success by how strong she's getting, and not by a number on the scale. Though her views on food are still completely warped. She attacks veganism at least once per month and treats it like an ED, referencing orthorexia, and calls it a diet, as opposed to a lifestyle, which pisses me off to no end as a vegan myself. Also, her healing crystal psychobabble nonsense is getting grating. Whatever helps her, placebo or not, great? Just don't tout it out to how many of your young subs who are probably still in the midst of an ED. It seems very inappropriate.

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Re: FuglyfaceofMTVisGraceFVictim Part 15

Post by 3eyedraven17 »

I would love to see her apologise to lekenah. I feel like grace was completely in the wrong in that situation and handled it so poorly with her sister teaming up and bullying the poor girl. I hope it’s something to come. I feel like grace resented her for being able to lose and maintain weight off. I think grace is so genuine with her pursuit to better herself and heal I know it doesn’t happen in a day but I do hope she apologised to the girl or even already has Idk. I noticed Lek follows her but grace don’t follow back


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