Lidl ByTerrible & The Loaned Aston Martin

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Lidl ByTerrible & The Loaned Aston Martin

Post by eggybeggy »

Welcome to the 28th Thread for Lydia Elise Millen.. AKA Princess Two Balls.. Miss Never Takes A Shower... Miss My Grandparents Are So Luxe.... Today was a slightly different day for Princess Two Balls, she was no longer sitting in the kitchen staring out of the Insta Window, she had taken the long walk through Da Bangalow to Ali's office. Ali had a new picture and it was of her. Princess Two Balls loved that there was more pictures of herself around Da Bunglow. She never missed an opportunity to give herself some good eye-fucking. Ali was normally hiding from her in the Man Shed but as he had the picture to put up, he thought he would be safe from Lidl's wrath for the day. Anyway... lidl was dressed as an american footballer today and he could do with the laugh.
Lidls' arch frenemy Claire had been having a swanky wedding do at the Ritz.. this made Lidl green with envy.. even her ByTerrible gunk in shade Walnut couldn't hide the level of green she went! Nothing made lidl more angry than someone who had more money than her. Lidl had had to have a freebie wedding on a tuesday, at a mortuary for animals. Her wedding had been a rather bizarre affair, she dressed in half sports wear and half ostrich... guests thought this was her way of keeping theme with the dead stuffed animals. Anyhow, to see Claire at such a luxe venue on a Saturday, looking extra classy for, not her first wedding.. but her second.. this sent lidl into all sorts of a meltdown. She started hunting for another wedding venue for herself and Ali.. she could maybe drop hints that she would like a second wedding too. Always one to moan about people copying her.. lidl always failed to notice that it was in fact her, who would copy everyone else.
Of late, lidls luxe crown had most definitely slipped.. she been been trying to shill cheap clothes to the minions but she longed to be luxe again... she had been begging for a new car now for quite a while but to no avail. Carrie the house elf, had clearly been letting her down in this department, so lidl thought she would ask Ali to help her instead. Ali had quite a following and seemed to have his shit together far better than little Miss Never Takes A shower, so she put him to work... his job was to beg for a new car. It couldn't just be any car though.. it needed to be one her Grandparents used to own. Aston Martin. Lidl thought as her Grandparents used to drive one that would somehow make her uber cool.. just from some weird association. Lidl liked to name drop her luxe grandparents but seemed to forget that they must not have cared for their darling granddaughter the way she cared for them. As they had left her homeless, and living on the streets, living with her Italian family, back before her ibiza days. Unfortunately Dim & Dumb couldn't afford a brand new Aston Martin, so they would have to make do with one on lease. Just for the weekend. The plan would be to take as many photos next to it, in as many outfits as humanly possible. This would be so that she could bore the minions with Aston Martin Photos for weeks to come. She knew that the minions had had enough of her Insta Window and Prison Wall, even her general back garden had become boring. Now she could take photos on her drive.. next to the loaned Aston Martin.. Eat that Claire ;) ;)

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