emilynoel83 part 3

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Re: emilynoel83 part 3

Post by shermansown »

Fuchsiarama wrote:She mentioned dealing with criticism or negativity in her self esteem videos from a few years back. She talked about having to deal with that working as a newsanchor. I always thought that gave her an advantage and made her more grounded than other beauty gurus who never worked a day in a regular job. Maybe Emily has forgotten some of those coping skills she learned working in the news. I think it helps to have that senior co-worker, friend, or boss to keep you inline. None of the YT beauty have that so I think it creates alot of monsters. They are able to create vaccuums where they don't have to improve themselves. They can act unethically without getting in trouble. Any type of constructive criticims is labeled "bullying" and ignored. It's kind of bizarre.
Not saying you're wrong, but that just speaks to the immaturity of all of these gurus. If every business owner needed their employees or friends to point out areas they could improve or learn from, there would be no successful or growing small business at all. It seems that the people who NEED someone else to tell them how to improve are not cut out for making a "career" in this particular (weird, nebulous) business.


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